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Price $34.00 ( )
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Docinmd Still Pond,, MD US
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  • Condition Very nice overall condition, colors are still vibrant. See photos for details. Some prints have corner and/or edge problems.
  • Return and Refund Policy Sold as-is, and as represented. Please ask questions before buying, as this is a used item.

Item # 49768632
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1191 Page Views

About 40 years ago I found a printing company in rural upstate New York that had closed in the early 1960s, and I bought all the "over runs". Everything had been put away in wooden boxes and kept dry. The printing company specialized in producing wall calendars, and only printed with the old style "Stone-Litho Letterpress" system. These are 100% original to the 1940s & 50s, not modern copies. Some of these prints have minor damage, typically torn corners or edge tears, and can be seen in the photos.

DEALERS - consider this: For many years I bought small wall and desk calendars with "ordinary" bucolic rural scenes or simple general scenes. I would remove those pictures and replace them with these pin-up prints that match the timeframe of the calendar. I never had any problem selling these pin-up calendars for 5 to 10 times more, while the ordinary calendars simply didn't sell. To paraphrase a well-known insurance company: "5 minutes of work can get you a lot more money in sales!"

I'll do the math for you: You get 17 original letterpress pin-up prints, for $2 each, including shipping. You will be hard-pressed to find a single original print anywhere close to that price, and even poor quality Asian-made digital copies sell for more. 

Price includes free shipping in the USA 48 states only. 

That's a very low price for original 1940s-50s pin-up prints. Please note that because of my cheap price, I am not able to accept lower offers. I can offer these on feebay and sell 'em all day long for more, but I hate how feebay treats long-time sellers!

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